NA LOGO  South King County Area
®     Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics  Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering addicts, who meet regularly, to help each other stay clean and build a new way of life. If you have a problem with drugs of any kind, please call our HelpLine or come to one of our meetings . . . We would like to help !

This legacy version of the SKCANA website,
was last updated on September 23rd 2024

Our new website can be found HERE

24 Hour HelpLine   (253) 872-3494
Your call will be referred to one of our members,
. . . another addict in recovery

Looking for the GSR/ASC Report Forms?
You may find them on our Service Page
~ or ~

  SKCNA Area Meetings Download the latest Schedule in PDF
South King County Area
Meeting Schedule

Latest Schedule uploaded on 9/23/2024
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader
  Other Area Information
Clean Date Calculator

 Your Clean Date: mm/dd/yyyy
 You've been clean for: days
 Or:   years,  months, and  days
Other Regional and World Web Links
If you are a professional working in the field of drug addiction and
treatment, or you're an interested member of the community, please see
Facts about NA for more information.

Providing this online resource is a project of our Public Relations
Sub-Committees of South King County Area Narcotics Anonymous.
E-Mail us here

Download Acrobat PDF version of our schedule Download Acrobat PDF schedule
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader
24 Hour Helpline (253) 872-3494
Rel. 1.31.2022 ap